The family company Agritecnica has demonstrated competence and passion in the livestock sector for nearly three decades and is a leader in the area of separation technology in Italy.
Without a doubt, an important role in this success story has been played by the FAN separators, of which a total of 800 are now in use throughout Italy. They are responsible for 30 percent of Agritecnica’s total revenue. Although the spirit of family solidarity has definitely also contributed to the companies successful development. In 1995, Giampietro Torresan purchased the company located in Pozzoleone in the Province of Vicenza and has managed the company since then together with his wife Sonia Pozza and their son Stefano Torresan. The15 regular employees in the areas of office, sales and engineering all pull together when it comes to delivering the best to their customers, whether they are cattle farmers, biogas plant operators, slaughterhouses or food processors.
They all appreciate the high technical competence and the reliable and individual service. One particular customer requirement, for example, is the separation of slurry containing long pieces of straw: What typical separators cannot achieve is possible with the revised FAN Separator PSS 1.2-520. Blockages due to long straw fibers are now a thing of the past. Agritecnica views itself as “one big family” in which everyone contributes to the company’s growth and helps find optimal solutions for the customers. “Plus, we work together with leading companies that are dedicated to offering top quality,” emphasizes Giampietro Torresan. In FAN, he also appreciates “the assurance of working with a manufacturer that continuously strives for innovation in order to face an increasingly aggressive market head on.”
As head of the company, Giampietro Torresan offers a very illustrative anecdote to explain why he swears by the robust and reliable FAN separators – as well as why it is so important to regularly service the machine: “A customer once came to our fair booth who had purchased a used separator from an agricultural operation. He asked why the performance of the separator had declined after five years in operation. We asked him straight away how long it had been since the last maintenance – in other words, cleaning the sieve, changing the oil, inspecting the screw. His answer: ‘I’ve never done any of that!’ – In other words, the FAN separator operated without issues for five years without cleaning or inspection!”
In the future, Agritecnica wishes to invest in customer service and in the working environment for its employees in order to remain the leader in separation technology in Italy. “Moreover,” adds Stefano Torresan, “we always strive to find new niches and markets in the areas of industry and agriculture.”